Peach Tree Rascals Rile Up Denver on Hot Summer Night
Photo Cr: Dakota Schlager
On June 25, alternative indie pop group Peach Tree Rascals delighted Denver, CO fans to a lively performance at the intimate Marquis Theater on one of their For You tour stops. After gaining traction from their song “Mariposa,” which trended on TikTok, the group quickly became popular for their catchy and infectious blends of music. Being on their first North American tour, Peach Tree Rascals have already sold out a handful of their tour dates.
Photo Cr: Dakota Schlager
To kickstart the night in Denver, special guest FIG took to the stage setting the tone for the rest of the show. With her unique R&B sound and upbeat quirky personality, FIG captured the hearts of her audience. From performing songs like “Pair of You” and “The Goo” to having a round of random trivia with crowd members, FIG left an admirable impression on fans. Warming up the crowd for Peach Tree Rascals, FIG thanked all the fans and was met with cheers and applause.
Photo Cr: Dakota Schlager
As the Peach Tree Rascals members finally took to the stage of their first headlining show in Denver, fans excitedly welcomed the group with cheers. Members Issac Pech, Tarrek Abdel-Khaliq, Joseph Barros, Jasper Barros, Dominic Pizano, and Jorge Olazaba not only possess a fun and upbeat sound but a lively and electrifying stage presence as well. Vocalists Issac, Tarrek, and Joseph danced around the stage, interacted with fans, and created a buzzing energy, while Dominic dominated on keys, Jasper shredded on guitar, and creative director Jorge captured the members' and audience’s energies and experience.
Photo Cr: Dakota Schlager
Throughout the night, the members created call-and-response interactions with the crowd for songs like “Lately I” and “Let U Go” where fans cheerfully chanted song lyrics creating a harmonious energy in the venue. The setlist was filled with other high-energy and catchy songs such as “Change My Mind,” “Mango,” and the group’s newest song they just released while on tour, “Come Around,” demonstrating their vocal talent blended with diverse melodies. As the night carried on, the members took time to express their gratitude to their fans. When the members went into their hit track “Song From Hell,” they pulled up their tour manager, Scott, onto stage who was welcomed by roars from fans. Scott joined the members in dancing on stage as they all waved to their fans throughout the song.
Photo Cr: Dakota Schlager
As the night was drawing to a close, the atmosphere in the venue was merry and joyful. Fans were not ready for the show to end and wanted more of Peach Tree Rascals. Closing out the show with the much-anticipated fan-favorite song “Mariposa” sent the crowd into a gleeful frenzy. The small venue’s house was turned into a dance floor as fans sang and danced along. As the members said their many thanks and goodbyes, fans roared with love and adoration mesmerized by the evening they had just experienced.
Photo Cr: Dakota Schlager
Peach Tree Rascals left a lasting impression on their Denver fans. Their talent in combining smooth vocals with colorful, vibrant sounds while being able to connect with their fans on an intimate level created a memorable night. As their tour comes to an end, we are anxious to see what they do next and await with pleasure to hear their upcoming new music.